Competency Profiles as Basis for Course Design of the MA in Transformational Urban
Course: TUL630 TUL630 Theology & Practice of Community Transformation
CompID Competency Skill Knowledge Value Character
Able to implement a community Involved with a team understand the difference

development or community implementing a community between community development

organisational program in the development or community based on ecaonomic analysis

and community organisational

approaches based on justice and

political understandings of the

causes of poverty
Is aware of the social welfare Can access resources of the Is aware of the soocial welfare

systems and social work social welfare system for the systems and social work

disciplines within the city disciplines within the city
Has a Biblical theology of God's Biblical theology of God's

Knows how to network a Knows how to network a

community for assistance community for assistance
Able to develop and supervise Has developed job descriptions Delegation and supervision issues Delegation

job descriptions for an event
Able to develop a budget for a Has been part of a team Formatting, nature and use of Values financial Faithfulness (Gal 5:22,23)

project developing a budget budgets accountability
Skilled in practical processes of Skilled in program management Program management issues for Dignity of poor Compassion

community development issues for community inner city missions, cooperatives,

development projects unemployment programs
Summary for Course = TUL630 (13 competencies)

Course Objectives: This introductory financial management course will help the non-financial manager of an urban poor church or mission

define biblical principles of financial stewardship, simplicity, walking by faith, voluntary poverty and their relationship

TUL640 Entrepreneurial & to entrepreneurship and fundraising. They will be equipped with the essential tools for supporitn their ministries through

Organizational Leadership entrepreneurial develoment. The course will be built around case studies from slums in multiple cities.

Candidates will also understand raising funding for the poor within culturally acceptable processes. Communication is

a critical component of Christian mission-based organizations. This course is designed to introduce leaders to issues

of relationships which will result in more prayer for, giving to and involvement in deeply mission-based organizations.

Students will also consider the biblical framework for marketing and fundraising activities, reflecting on appropriate

parallels in the words and actions of Paul. .

Candidates are able to understand how to relate well to a slum community, find budding entrepreneurs within the

community, and articulate a business vision for them. They can critically evaluate the methods of fostering

entrepreneurship and innovation, enunciate business goals and objectives and formulate strategic plans for specific

small business ventures in an urban poor community or communities. Candidates will be able to read financial

statements, understand basic book-keeping and banking concepts, evaluate the viability of small business ventures,

recognize and develop strategies to respond to business life cycles, and formulate problem solving strategies.
The non-financial manager of an Demonstrate the effective use Define biblical principles of Evaluate the fiscal health

urban poor mission understands of financial statements by financial stewardship, simplicity, of your organization and

the contribution of accounting analyzing the information, asking walking by faith, voluntary other organizations.

tools in making effective probing questions and poverty. Explain the value of the Describe normative cash

decisions to carry out the synthesizing the data for making managerial accounting process in flows in the process of

mission and goals of their planting an urban poor


29/01/2007 5:39:50 p.m.Developed by Viv Grigg, 2000-2006, Please send comments, additions, suggestions, and lots need revising Page 24 of 29
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Last updated: 10/29/08.